Locations: all shots are shot in the same location
Holbon Lodge
Valley Lane
DA13 0DQ
We have started the day at 11am to allow travelling time, we will have everyone in costume, props ready, scenes set and camera ready to begin filming at this time. We will spend Friday night setting up the summer house, laying the carpet and hanging pictures and cloth on the walls to make it appear like a family home. We decided it would take longer to set up for the family home so this will be filmed first, there are only seven shots throughout the opening sequence using the family scene so we've anticipated only 3 hours to shoot useable footage for this. We also chose the Saturday for this purpose as Aiden, the child used, lives with his mum and goes home on Sunday's, and Kate will be using bus transport and the buses vary on Sunday's. From two PM on Saturday we will take the carpet away and strip the walls to create the derelict building effect, making sure the chair from the family shots is in exactly the same place for editing purposes and from 2 till 6pm we will shoot the hostage situation however we've anticipated needing the sunday to film this as well. We decided to film on the 12th and 13th as they are dates no one has conflicting issues with and it gives us longer to edit.
look at the template exemplar for shooting schedule, this needs a clearer layout